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New Moon in Virgo and the Signs – 17th September 2020

In the New Moon phase, the Sun and the Moon share the same zodiacal degree, it is the cosmic marriage of these two luminaries as they appear called in ancient astrology, it is the first pair that associates the masculine with the feminine in a unit.

A cosmic wedding is in a way different from an earthly wedding where the bride and groom receive gifts, now the astral marriage takes place in Virgo on the degree of 25:01, the light (the Sun) unites with the darkness (the Moon) and they begin to share gifts for all invited, especially for those born around the 17th, of any zodiac sign.

As the New Moon is associated with new beginnings, in the changeable and earthly sign of the virgin, these “beginnings” are related to concrete and practical problems, to the creation of order in everything that is “disordered” in our lives. As Virgo focuses on the material world and is the master of detail, nothing unnoticed escapes her, this New Moon can help us see all the details, see where we are wrong and what needs to be “labeled, arranged, planned, cleaned, healed” in a new way. Now we can see all the details of a problem, now we can find the best solution to a difficult problem. The time has come to purify, treat or remove everything that is poisonous, useless, in our lives, in our work, in our diet, in our daily routines and habits. Virgo is the sign of the harvest but the mutability of this sign refers to both the harvest of the earth and the harvest of the soul, we reap what we have sown. The focused and analytical eye of the Virgin, the sign that surrounds this new moon will show us the things, the defects, the details, that we have not seen before. But we must not exaggerate because Virgo can get lost in all the worthless details and from this point of view, her vision gets too dark and becomes cynical, bitter, critical and cold.

We need to cleanse our lives mentally, emotionally, physically, spiritually, to study and learn new things that will help us heal, to accept and love ourselves as we are, to be good to ourselves but also to those around us.

Virgo is about humility, she is a good worker behind the scenes, she does not need the spotlight; it wants to work quietly and efficiently without needing much recognition for its efforts. The way to work with this energy of the new moon in the virgin is to do what we have to do for ourselves and for those around us as opposed to what only we would like. This New Moon gives a lot of energy for initiating virgin projects – a new job, a new health plan, a plan for organizing the house, office, cleaning old emotional habits.

The thorny issue of this New Moon moment is criticism, a criticism used to offend others, especially those close to them, thus leading to difficulties in love, friends, work, even marriage. But we will have to learn that the negative energy that accompanies excessive criticism returns to the one who gives it life, thus affecting our health. The New Moon in Virgo asks us to learn to think positively, to understand that the critical attitude towards others but also towards ourselves, blocks our evolution. No one has the right to judge anyone; it is absurd to defame our fellow men. The accusatory words fall on us sooner or later, like a ray of revenge. Slanderous words, curses, insults, always return to the one who utters them, they are real millstones that hurt him. It is said that on the Solomon Islands, when the natives wanted to cultivate part of a forest, they did not cut down the trees but gathered around them and shouted insults and curses at the trees. In a few days, the trees dried up and fell, dying on their own.

The energy of the New Moon is always influenced by the astrological aspects it makes with the rest of the astral actors.

First of all, the New Moon in Virgo energizes house IX, a house that reminds us that we came here on earth for a divine purpose. Here we are given a divine perspective of the future, we are ready for important changes. Being a universal house, the emphasis is on our relationship with the world, on rules, beliefs, divine justice. Comfort is found in faith, prayer, education, higher education, new places, new ideas, travel, abroad, liberation from the monotony of everyday life.

House IX also refers to the legal system, higher courts, ministry, high-level decisions on justice. Here, the law of correct human relations applies, here, truth is defined in accordance with divine wisdom. Despite all the opposing forces, despite all the differences, the new moon supports all those who use their mental strength, intuition, in correcting injustices.

The new Moon in house IX reminds us that we cannot live in peace and harmony without developing a connection with God and without hope in miracles, guidance, and divine help. There is a lot of divine love in the ninth house and many will look for it in work, in distant travels, in books, studies, prayer, abroad, spiritual pilgrimages, adventures. House IX is a natural house of the Sagittarius sign and we can believe that “everything that flies is eaten” but this new moon in the practical earth sign of the virgin cuts us off, showing us that life has its limits imposed by heaven.

The New Moon in Virgo looks like a beneficial trine with retrograde Saturn in Capricorn that tells us in a cold but friendly tone that things can be resolved slowly, orderly and with great care and patience. “So far you can go,” these are your limits, Saturn tells us retrograde now but in benevolent language. As retrograde Saturn in Capricorn activates house II, Saturn’s obstacles depend on the value we place on ourselves and how we materialize in something concrete, the field of habit, the food we eat, the source of our income, wealth, wealth, pronounced materialism, greed. The biggest problem here is the deep guilt in the soul, which leads to unfortunate circumstances and mistakes made in the field of finance, property, income, eating habits. Every achievement that we are not satisfied with, because it did not provide us with what we needed in material reality, simply means that our energy is not well concentrated or used in matters synchronized with our body and our material existence. As long as we are in constant tension with ourselves, we are stuck in our inability to be responsible for our own well-being.

The disjointed aspect between the New Moon in Virgo and retrograde Mars in Aries shows that the hasty and impulsive actions of the past, inattention, selfishness, did not work in our interest. As Mars is retrograde in Aries and in house IV, the neglect and impulsiveness of the past have to do with family, parents (especially mother), family heirlooms, country, emotional security and family. Resentments caused by this aspect can increase the level of irritation but also the risk of reckless actions. So, a patient attitude facilitates the solution of some problems that are brought to our attention.

The New Moon is associated with new beginnings, it is the best time to reflect on what you want to change or what you want to bring new into your life. Virgo, the sign that covers this astral moment, offers a realistic perspective on what needs to be analyzed, organized, and ordered in a new way. Virgo is the guide to the search for the soul.
With the New Moon in Virgo on the 26th degree, those born around the 17th of the mutable signs Virgo, Pisces, Gemini, Sagittarius (plus, minus three days) will feel the influence of this energy much stronger than the others; this is also valid if you have the main axes, ie the ascendant, the partner’s house-the descendant, the career house-MC, the family house-house IV or any personal planet around the 26th degree of any zodiac sign.
This horoscope made according to the energization of astrological houses (areas of our lives) by the New Moon is more accurate for those who know the sign of the ascendant, so if you know the sign of the ascendant, read the horoscope first for the ascendant and then for the sun sign.


The New Moon in Virgo comes with “divine news” in your workplace relationships, new methods for increasing efficiency in the workplace, a new approach to your health, a new job, a refresher course, a new job in the workplace. Any health problem can have a “new beginning” in its treatment and healing. It is the best time to analyze your dissatisfaction with work, colleagues, bosses, physical health. A supporter of this moon is retrograde Saturn in Capricorn who tells you in a friendly (but compelling) tone that you need to review your professional ambitions, how to collaborate with others, your professional image, social responsibilities, relationship with the authorities, with a parent. The challenges and tensions of this moment come through retrograde Mars in Aries which will tell you that future opportunities are hindered by activities started in the past that require a new approach. Troubles can arise in the way you use your energy, become irascible, impatient, which can put you in all sorts of difficult situations. Re-remember patience, and cultivate it in all your personal actions at work.
For those born near March 17, the 150-degree aspect between the New Moon and the natal Sun can bring alternative gains and losses, luck and bad luck, success in subordinate positions, troubles caused by women but also favors from bosses.


The New Moon in Virgo comes with “divine news” in your love relationships, love life, children, personal creativity. This is a good time for parties and fun, for a new love story, for social events, for hopeful beginnings for your children. The hope of having a child can be fulfilled now, a piece of news related to pregnancy, an adoption, comes to you now. If you have a child who needs your help in the next few days, you can do this in a beneficial way. The creative field is favored.
A supporter of this moon is retrograde Saturn in Capricorn who will tell you in a friendly (but compelling) tone that it is time to review your beliefs and beliefs. Truth, freedom, higher education, foreignness, faith, spirituality, guides, teachers, the internet, and what the internet spreads, career, ambitions, and professional image, the relationship with your family, need new meanings, perspectives. The challenges and tensions of this moment come through retrograde Mars in Aries which will tell you that future opportunities are hindered by activities started in the past that require a new approach. Misunderstandings, fog, or confusion can dominate this period, so be very careful. Stop looking at the past with anger, forgive and bless the past, people, be yourself, be honest with yourself.
For those born around May 17, the trine aspect between the New Moon and the natal Sun can predict a good understanding with your life partner, relatives, or close ones, happy results, popularity in the entourage, consideration from superiors, favors, and promotions.


The New Moon in Virgo comes with “divine news” in your family relationships, parents, home, country, real estate business. This is the best time to make a special plan for your family, to buy a house, for your family life or to find that emotional support you need. Housing, your parents, can be a special concern in the coming days.
A supporter of this moon is the retrograde Saturn who tells a friendly (but compelling) whole that it is time to review your obsessive attachments and desires, desire for power, and control over others. Blockages in the application of plans that hide certain things are not accidental.
The challenges and tensions of this moment come through retrograde Mars in Aries which will tell you that future opportunities are hindered by activities started in the past that require a new approach. Friendly quarrels or irrational packaging can lead to problems, so be very careful. For those born near June 17, the square aspect between the New Moon and the natal Sun accentuates the unstable and tense situations, alternative gains and losses, disorders of the nervous system.


The New Moon in Virgo comes with “divine news” in your relationships with relatives, with those in your immediate vicinity, trade, mental activities, short trips, studies. All activities related to transport, shopping, an information exchange with relatives are energized by this time of the new moon. It is a wonderful time to sort out your ideas and take care of only the important ones. Emphasizing the energy of the virgin sign will inspire you to think in new ways, to consider new possibilities to communicate.
A supporter of this moon is retrograde Saturn which will tell a friendly (but obliging) whole that some revisions are needed in the way you relate, in your close relationships, your responsibilities in a relationship, business, business partners. The challenges and tensions of this moment come through retrograde Mars in Aries which will tell you that future opportunities are hindered by activities started in the past that require a new approach. You should not be surprised by some delays in professional projects, there may be enough obstacles in professional activities. Aggression can lead to professional rivalries. For those born near July 17, the sextile aspect between the New Moon and the natal Sun foretells a happy period conducive to starting new activities, appreciations and favors from superiors, successful initiatives.

LEO / THE ASCENDANT IN LEO (July 23 -August 22)

The New Moon in Virgo comes with “divine news” in your relationship with money, with what you like, with what gives you stability. The financial aspects come to the center of attention. Setting realistic financial goals is favored during this time. You can discover new ways to increase your financial income. It is a time of new beginnings related to your bank account, to the way of capitalizing on your personal talents. Virgo is about details, so you should try to define as accurately as possible what you want to attract, what possessions you see in your name, what work will capitalize on you best.
As the Moon is the mistress of the 12th house, it would be good to slow down the rhythm of daily life, to rest more, to be more attentive to the needs of your soul. A supporter of this moon is retrograde Saturn which tells you in a friendly (but compelling) whole that you need some revisions related to work, professional projects, health, life partner, associations, court decisions, competitors, rivals. The challenges and tensions of this moment come through retrograde Mars in Aries which will tell you that future opportunities are hindered by activities started in the past that require a new approach. You need to make some adjustments in your vision of the world, of the divinity, of the legal or educational issues of the past that come back now. For those born near August 17, the semi-textile aspect between the New Moon and the natal Sun may show beneficial influences but of a smaller scale.

VIRGO / ASCENDANT IN VIRGO (August 23 – September 22)

The new moon in your sign comes with “divine news” for your reinvention, your personal goals are a priority. This is a good time to “grow” by focusing clearly on your priorities and relationships, on sorting out personal projects. Focus on changing your personal habits so that you are more confident in yourself and your relationships. You can examine, analyze, and find answers. As Moon is the mistress of the XI house, this is a magical moment to look for those who can help you give life to an idea of yours.
A supporter of this moon is retrograde Saturn who tells you in a friendly (but compelling) whole that you need some revisions in creative projects, love, children, hobbies, unfounded speculation, excessive and aggressive criticism, exaggerated pride, work, colleagues, bosses, professional projects. The challenges and tensions of this moment come through retrograde Mars in Aries which will tell you that future opportunities are hindered by activities started in the past that require a new approach. An old relationship that ended badly may occupy your thoughts or an old boyfriend may return. Financial issues, bank loans, may require a makeover or a second look.
For those born near September 17, the conjunction between the New Moon and the natal Sun can amplify misunderstandings, marital unhappiness, separations, health problems.

LIBRA / ASCENDANT IN LIBRA (September 23 -October 22)

The new moon in Virgo comes with “divine news” for recharging your spiritual and physical batteries. It is a more sensitive position of the New Moon and it would be good to make the necessary efforts to establish peace in the soul. ” I am calm and perfectly balanced “is the mantra of this new month. This moon can be a new beginning for bringing spirituality into your life, into your soul. The news is conditioned by your past, by what is gathered there and which often keeps you in a spell difficult to describe. You can start a process of physical, mental detoxification, it is a wonderful moment to analyze your past and to forgive everything.
A supporter of this moon is retrograde Saturn who tells you in a friendly (but compelling) way that you need some revisions related to family, your home, your parents, a family heritage, living conditions, changes of residence, family obligations, household expenses.
The challenges and tensions of this moment come through retrograde Mars in Aries which will tell you that future opportunities are hindered by activities started in the past that require a new approach. All projects and initiatives related to a partnership, an associate, a collaborator, a competitor, are required to be reviewed. Some problematic relationships can stop. Legal issues may need a second look.
For those born near October 17, the semi-textile appearance may show beneficial influences but of a smaller scale.


The New Moon in Virgo comes with “divine news” in your friendships, social groups, ideals, hopes. It is a wonderful moment that can help you give life to new projects through the continuous development of social contacts. You are helped to sort out your friends, hopes, strange ideas. The magic of this month will best help in your orientation towards those who have similar ideals. Virgo is about details, so you should try to define as accurately as possible your future goals.
As the Moon is the mistress of the ninth house, the changes, the opportunities are also related to foreignness, travel, faith. A legal issue may be the focus of attention now. A supporter of this moon is retrograde Saturn which tells a friendly (but compelling) whole that you need some revisions in how you communicate, in your relationship with your relatives, negative thinking, the community you live in, neighbors, family, mother, family heirlooms, nation, country, patriotism. The challenges and tensions of this moment come through retrograde Mars in Aries which will tell you that future opportunities are hindered by activities started in the past that require a new approach. The way you organize your time, how you solve work problems, how you manage your daily business, need a new approach.
For people born near November 17, the sextile aspect between the New Moon and the natal Sun favors the start of new activities, appreciations, and favors from superiors, social successes, the improvement of conditions of any kind.


The New Moon in Virgo comes with “divine news” in your career, in the public image, in your professional ambitions.
This is a good time to “grow” through your career, important projects, authoritarian figures and aspirations for the future. It is the best time to analyze only what you think is important for your development. You are in the spotlight now and you can better see the opportunities of this moment. As the Moon is the mistress of the VIII house, the opportunities are also for business, for the discovery of a secret, for a hidden plan against you.
A supporter of this moon is retrograde Saturn who tells you in a friendly (but compelling) way that you need to review how you earn and manage money, how you view material possessions, how you communicate, your relationship with your relatives. It is a time for a more responsible and realistic approach to money and possessions. The challenges and tensions of this moment come through retrograde Mars in Aries which will tell you that future opportunities are hindered by activities started in the past that require a new approach. This can be a time to review how you manage your free time, romantic relationships, creative projects, a hobby, your pleasures, excessive pride, how to relate to your children.
For those born near December 17, the square aspect between the New Moon and the natal Sun accentuates the unstable, tense situations, the alternative gains, and losses, the disorders of the nervous system.


The New Moon in Virgo comes with “divine news” in your relationship with the other person’s money, loans, business, associates, loans, inheritances, the bedroom of a relationship. This is a good time for “your growth” through the values of the other, through a life partner, a business partner. The financial aspects come to the center of attention. It is the best time for a careful analysis of business plans, relationship problems.
A supporter of this moon is retrograde Saturn who tells you in a friendly (but compelling) whole that you need some revisions related to personal goals, spirituality, spiritual values, secret activities, hidden enemies. It is a time of spiritual renewal. It is important to get rid of your regrets or failures and disappointments over time. The challenges and tensions of this moment come through retrograde Mars in Aries which will tell you that future opportunities are hindered by activities started in the past that require a new approach. Challenges can arise related to your expression, selling your ideas or to your neighbors and relatives. Social interactions can be a little tense.
For those born near February 16, the 150-degree aspect between the New Moon and the natal Sun can bring alternative gains and losses, luck and bad luck, success in subordinate positions, troubles caused by women but also favors from bosses.


The New Moon in Virgo comes with “divine news” in your relationships, business, business partners, rivals, enemies, competitors. This is a good time to enter into new partnerships, launching joint projects with your life partner. This energy favors achievements through the husband, lover, friend, lawyer, business partner, colleague, counselor, or any partner you need in the next period.
A supporter of this moon is the retrograde Saturn that tells a friendly (but compelling) whole that you need to review how to collaborate in a group project, your humanitarian services, your hopes. Health problems are not uncommon, physical energy is quite low, it is a time when you can be forced to withdraw from certain activities and associations that seemed quite significant until now. Attention to health.
The challenges and tensions of this moment come through retrograde Mars in Aries which will tell you that future opportunities are hindered by activities started in the past that require a new approach. Unforeseen expenses may occur during this period, lack of financial order but also impulsive financial reactions can cause losses and serious inconveniences in your life.
For those born near March 17, the opposition between the New Moon and the natal Sun on the I-you axis can bring a change related to partnerships, business, wealth, goods, activation of enemies.

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