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In the Full Moon phase, the two Luminaries are in opposition, in our case, the Moon is in the degree of 7:06 Scorpio and the Sun is in the degree of 7:06 Taurus. In astrological language, the Full Moon is the culmination of actions begun in the past (November 2020 when it was the new moon in Scorpio), now we can reap beautiful fruits, we can shine or we can realize that the failure of an action is only the result of a wrong choice.

In simple words, the Full Moon is a current language of the law of Karma, we reap what we have sown, we are forced to act, to change the conditions that do not satisfy us, both inside and outside. Now, the Full Moon in Scorpio in house VI becomes a real heavenly lamp that illuminates all things, secrets, mysteries, relationships, work projects, how we do our work, documents, employees and employers, everything we avoid looking ahead. The Full Moon always comes with spiritual endings and understandings, with clear requirements, with changes that need to be made.

A Full Moon illuminates problems that already exist, that have not been solved, or that have been solved but in disagreement with divine requirements. At the same time, a Full Moon can bring substantial bonuses if we deserve them. Polarity Scorpio-Taurus deals with balancing energies that have in common the concern for money, values, control, sexuality, sensuality, power, extreme stubbornness.

If Taurus deals with everything that has a concrete form, everything that is mine (the characteristic verb of Taurus is to have), personal power, possessions, and status, Scorpio deals with everything that belongs to the other, the manipulation and control of others. , collective power, common possessions, business, destruction of form, change, and profound transformation (the characteristic verb is to want). If Taurus is attracted to simple, tangible things in life, Scorpio is attracted to mysteries, secrets, deceptions, frauds, a lot of money, control and manipulation of others, intense experiences. Each energy developed to the detriment of the other produces an imbalance and this Full Moon shows us in a rather emotional way that we have developed too much and we have unbalanced our life. Ideally, these energies are in balance but life on earth is lived almost permanently through relational, financial, emotional imbalances.

This Full Moon sheds great light on the emotional conflicts within us and can help us heal, cleanse, eliminate them. It is the best time to understand the cause of emotional imbalances, financial problems, everything that affects our soul. Because the sign of Scorpio governs the big business, big money, and big secrets, we will hear a lot in the coming days about the hidden agendas that will come to light.

The Full Moon in Scorpio “lit, lit, electrified” by the Sun in Taurus will bring to light hidden motivations, buried fears, old wounds, unclean business, hidden plans and struggles for power, money. This Full Moon urges us to discover our own power by announcing that it is an excellent time to get rid of old fears and habits that in a way limit our development. Everything related to taxes, money, common resources, bank loans, privacy issues, research, self-examination, power struggles, shadow manipulation, revenge, betrayal, aggression, are energized in the next period.

As Scorpio is deeply interested in discovering the truth, this Full Moon loves to get to the truth of things and helps us discover and decipher the essence behind things quickly and efficiently. Scorpio also regulates issues related to life, death, transformation, privacy, relationships, destruction, renewal, and regeneration. And the Full Moon in Scorpio amplifies crisis situations, life and death decisions, emergency services, profound transformations, rebirth from one’s own ashes (revives the phoenix bird myth). At the same time, this Full Moon in Scorpio helps us in any circumstance that requires reconstruction, renewal, and reform.

The full moon in Scorpio rewards patience, our ability to cope with life’s trials and tests, our refusal to admit defeat, our victory over the poisonous plans of some who want to manipulate and control us.

The moon in Scorpio in opposition to the Sun in Taurus (full moon phase) activates the VI-XII axis, an axis of service that deals with the balance between daily routines, earthly problems, the need for order, details, organization, physical health (house VI) and vision, magic, overview, spiritual health, fantasies, other dimensions, enemies, karmic payments (house XII).

A Full Moon in Pisces (water) in house VI, a house of the earth (house VI is the natural house of the virgin, an earth sign), tests the validity of one’s own approaches to life. It is associated with crisis experiences, not necessarily negative, but of passing, of purifying what is already atrophied. When we enter house VI, our daily activities, our work, our habits, a project at work, a colleague, a boss, our body, wake us up and invigorate us or bring us all kinds of crises.

House VI puts us face to face with all kinds of personal crises, here the soul shouts “why exactly me”, all this urges us to change the conditions that generated these situations but without a proper attitude, without understanding the roots of the crisis, it’s like going to the doctor and he gives us inadequate treatment for the disease. The full moon in house VI brings to light our personal crises in order to help us avoid repeating a mistake, to understand that mistakes are in fact personal experiences that teach us to grow, even if we usually talk about stress, pain, suffering.

The message of the Sun in Taurus to the full moon in Scorpio has a uranium tone full of surprises and this is because of Uranus in Taurus which disrupts the notions of stability, security, and land (mother earth), savings, income, and expenses, wallet, values, our goods tangible – what we have in stock, food, fashion, finance. Unexpected revelations and news, financial disturbances both personally and at the company level, are accentuated. We can encounter all sorts of problems that we can only solve with divine support, by bringing faith and prayer into our lives. Uranus hand in hand with the Sun in Taurus will bring to the surface unresolved or buried problems.

The moon in Scorpio in opposition to the Sun in Taurus (full moon phase) activates the VI-XII axis, an axis of service that deals with the balance between daily routines, earthly problems, the need for order, details, organization, physical health (house VI) and vision, magic, overview, spiritual health, fantasies, other dimensions, enemies, karmic payments (house XII).
A Full Moon in Pisces (water) in house VI, a house of the earth (house VI is the natural house of the virgin, an earth sign), tests the validity of one’s own approaches to life. It is associated with crisis experiences, not necessarily negative, but of passing, of purifying what is already atrophied. When we enter house VI, our daily activities, our work, our habits, a project at work, a colleague, a boss, our body, wake us up and invigorate us or bring us all kinds of crises. House VI puts us face to face with all kinds of personal crises, here the soul shouts “why exactly me”, all this urges us to change the conditions that generated these situations but without a proper attitude, without understanding the roots of the crisis, it’s like going to the doctor and giving us inadequate treatment for the disease. The full moon in house VI brings to light our personal crises in order to help us avoid repeating a mistake, to understand that mistakes are in fact personal experiences that teach us to grow, even if we usually talk about stress, pain, suffering.

The message of the Sun in Taurus to the full moon in Scorpio has a uranium tone full of surprises and this is because of Uranus in Taurus which disrupts the notions of stability, security, and land (mother earth), savings, income, and expenses, wallet, values, our goods tangible – what we have in stock, food, fashion, finance. Unexpected revelations and news, financial disturbances both personally and at the company level, are accentuated. We can encounter all sorts of problems that we can only solve with divine support, by bringing faith and prayer into our lives. Uranus hand in hand with the Sun in Taurus will bring to the surface unresolved or buried problems.

We will also have a powerful weapon with us, and that is the divine intuition-voice, but we must hear it and keep it in mind. Dreams will become more vivid and even prophetic. Uranus can shine a light on unconventional remedies or help us discover new outlets for our gifts. We are guided to free ourselves from abusive and toxic relationships through forgiveness. Remember, Uranus opens the door to freedom. The celestial shock (Uranus …) activates our inner world, thus becoming more aware of karma, destiny, and our own inner works. This helps us to see that everything has a deeper meaning and purpose.

Saturn in Aquarius in the form of a provocative square with the Full Moon in Scorpio can bring a certain level of resistance and fear of change. Saturn is an undisputed traditionalist. He is also about our tasks, fears, and weaknesses, as well as about patience, mastery, and the ability to succeed despite all obstacles. Saturn rules us through fear, fear of failure, fear of the unknown, fear of losing something, someone. It is time to find new ways to manage old problems. We need perseverance and determination as we find new solutions to everything that is stubborn to stay the same.

This Full Moon can help us get through emotional fears, clean up old wounds and scary thoughts, release toxic energies and emotions, release illusions and stories that we carry with us that keep us stuck. First of all, we must be willing to see the truth about ourselves and our situation. This is true freedom. The foundation we believed to be safe can tremble at this moment because false beliefs and values ​​are destroyed, bringing purity, truth, and deepening our human experience.

Instead of clinging to fears and the past, to struggles we can’t control, we need to understand that giving up is a good thing. It is time to give up people, objects, and situations that no longer support us. Nothing in this universe stays in place for very long. Change and growth are inevitable. Healing can take place if we are brave enough to forgive and move on. We can be strong, we can work miracles, but we must not forget that we are only conductors of energies from above.

The major influence of this energy will be on the fixed signs: Scorpio, Taurus, Leo, Aquarius, especially for those born near April 27, July, October, January (plus, minus three days) but also for those who have planets personal, the ascendant, the career house, the partner’s house on the 8th degree in the fixed signs (Scorpio, Taurus, Leo, Aquarius).

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